Use of Machine Learning in
Machine learning is a subdivision of artificial
intelligence, which involves the use of algorithms to extract relevant
information from raw data. It allows computers to identify patterns, which is
useful in multiple ways for businesses.
Machine learning is not something from science fiction
anymore; but has become a staple in today’s business practices. It helps
extract meaningful insights from data to solve complex business problems in a
short span of time. ML algorithms gain information from data iteratively and
helps computers find hidden insights without requiring much programming.
Machine Learning is quickly evolving and is driven primarily by new computing
Machine learning is helping businesses across a wide
range of sectors to enhance scalability and improve operations. Let us examine
some of the most prominent uses of machine learning in businesses today:
Medical Diagnosis
The use of machine learning in medical diagnosis has helped in improving healthcare costs, provided superior diagnostic tools as well as opened up the doors for development of effective treatment plans. Currently machine learning is being used in healthcare sector to provide accurate diagnosis, recommend medications, identify high-risk patients as well as predict readmission. These insights are derived from data sets and patients records along with the patient’s symptoms.
Financial Analysis
With the availability of historical and quantitative data in huge volumes, machine learning can be used in financial analysis as well. It is already being due in financial sector for algorithm trading, portfolio management, fraud detection, and loan underwriting. Future application in the financial field can include Chatbots and various conversational interfaces for the purposes of customer service and security.
Eliminate Errors due
to Manual Data Entry
Inaccurate and duplicate data is the biggest issue faced by businesses. Machine learning helps avoid these errors caused due to manual data entry and makes processes easier by use of discovered data. So instead of wasting time and effort with data entry, businesses can utilize the same time for performing value-added tasks for their business.
Customer Lifetime
Value Prediction
Customer Segmentation and Lifetime Value Prediction are few challenges constantly faced by marketers these days. With access to huge amounts of data, businesses can derive meaning insights from them. Using Machine Learning, companies can predict customer behaviors like purchase patterns and send them best offers according to their purchase and browsing histories.
Detecting Spam
Machine learning has been used for a while now for detecting spam. In the past, email services used rule-based techniques for filtering spam messages for email accounts. However, at present, spam filters are making use of more advanced rules to detect phishing and spam messages with the use of neural networks.
Most manufacturing companies follow preventive and corrective maintenance, which is usually inefficient and quite expensive. With the help of Machine Learning, businesses can derive meaningful insights and patterns from their factory data. This practice is called predictive maintenance and helps in combating unexpected failures and unnecessary expenses. Machine learning architecture built with historical data, workflow visualization,flexible analysis environment, and feedback loop works efficiently with predictive maintenance. Visit this website =
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