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When learning Japanese, many people start from learning the
numbers from one to ten. It's an easy and fun way to get started and doesn't
take long, but did you know that you can make words from the numbers? First,
lets review the Japanese words for the numbers from one to ten. One, two and
three are ichi, ni, san. Four can be shi or yon. Five and six are go and roku.
Seven can be nana or shichi. Eight is hachi, nine is kyu or ku and ten is ju check amount to Hebrew language.
By putting together the sounds from two numbers, you can
make a word. For example, if you are hungry you may want some 15. What's 15? -
take the sound of one, which is 'ichi' and put it together with the sound of
five 'go', to make ichigo - strawberries. How about some 29? Putting the sound
of the word of two 'ni' with nine 'ku' makes 'niku' which means meat. In Japan
people eat with chopsticks, which is 'hashi' in Japanese. To make 'hashi' out
of numbers, take the first part of the word for eight which is 'ha' and add
'shi' to make 84. If you are asked to go along to a party, you could reply 19 -
i + ku = 'iku', which means to go!.
There are a couple of numbers to be careful of. If you put
the sounds of four and two together, you get shi+ni, which in Japanese means
death. Many buildings such as hotels or hospitals won't have a room with the
number 42. 24 is another number that you won't find in many buildings as it
makes the word ni+shi = nishi meaning double death.
You can even make some English words from Japanese numbers.
Lets see how. If you take the Japanese word for three 'san' and put it together
with the word for nine 'kyu', then you get 'sankyu'. If you say it out loud
quickly, you can probably guess which English word it is - that's right -
Thank-you. You can also say Hello in English using Japanese. Remember the word
for eight - 'hachi' if you take the first part 'ha' and put it together with
the first part of six - 'ro' - you get 'haro' - Hello. Using numbers for words
is popular when writing messages on cell phones in Japan.
If you are creative, you can probably think of more Japanese
words that you can make from numbers. It's a fun way to keep on learning more
Can you work out the number for the Japanese word for white?
Go to to find out and for more tips
about how to keep your Japanese learning interesting.
To learn Japanese numbers easily and quickly by listening to
a native speaker pronounce the numbers from 1 to 1000 and more simple Japanese
words and sentences visit Today! Read More
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